About Me

I am Katie, a devoted artist and proud mother. I live in Alberta, Canada with my husband, our 2 year old son, and our cuddly cat. I have had a lifelong love of art. Whenever I have free time you will find me drawing.

Living in the breathtaking beauty of Alberta, I find endless inspiration that fuels my creativity. I love going on walks with my son where we discover flowers, leaves, rocks, bugs and other fun things that he is fascinated by and that inspires me. While navigating motherhood I have discovered an even deeper appreciation for the world’s beauty.

Come along on this journey with me and lets uncover the beauty that surrounds us, one brushstroke at a time!

How It Started

I want to share with you how I got into surface design. I think sharing our stories are important to help others understand who we are and why we do what we do.

In 2021, my son arrived prematurely, weighing 1 lb and 7 oz. This began a long journey through the NICU that tested my strength as a new mother. I began developing an intense desire for a creative outlet, something just for me. Unable to bring my traditional art supplies to the NICU, I invested in an iPad.

It wasn’t until I brought my son home that my creative pursuits truly flourished. The demands of motherhood were much more challenging than I had anticipated. I started drawing on my iPad everyday during nap time. I couldn’t stop. I created an Instagram account for my art and one day stumbled across a video demonstrating the creation of a repeating pattern. I didn’t fully know what I was doing, but I was hooked! 9 months later I discovered the concept of “Surface Pattern Design” – an entire industry! I started taking courses online and learned Adobe Illustrator. The rest is history.

Today I still like to draw on my iPad. I love designing for fabrics or children’s clothing and accessories. I can’t get enough of drawing florals. I feel I have truly found my place and passion as an artist.